Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Three Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

The Three Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

The Three Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

In Ayurveda, doshas are the functional intelligences within the body mind complex. These dynamic energies manifest in the body through their qualities, specific sites, and the active roles they play in orchestrating the processes that create and sustain the body. In other words, they are the energies that make things happen in the organism. Ultimately, any aspect related to metabolic function and its relationship to health and disease boils down to the harmonious actions of the three doshas.
Ayurveda is a common sense science with a profound knowledge of all the systems and functions of the body (from the grossest to the most subtle aspects), but for practical purposes it is important to understand that any imbalance in the doshas is what really triggers the disease process. This is why Ayurveda encourages the prevention of imbalance and restoration of balance through the management of the doshas with a natural, down to earth Ayurvedic regime that includes proper diet and lifestyleAyurvedic herbs and herbal preparation, as well as dinacharya or daily healthy routines, yoga and meditation practices suited to your unique, individual constitution, Ayurvedic therapies for relaxation and rejuvenation, and Panchakarma for deep detoxification. These are the tools to your optimal health and long life with Ayurveda.

General Description of Ayurvedic Doshas and Their Manifestations in the Body

Most of us have a predominant dosha in our constitution, and some people have a dual doshic constitution, where two doshas are equally predominant. It is extremely rare to find someone with all doshas in equal proportions. In any case, is it important to remember that the body mind complex is a dynamic unity and all three doshas are constantly interacting with each other and with the environment. In Ayurveda, there are three dosha-predominant constitutions or Prakrutis(also prakritis): Vata predominant, Pitta predominant, and Kapha predominant; three dual dosha constitutions, where two doshas are equally or nearly equally predominant: Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha and Vata-Kapha; and one tridoshic Prakruti with all three doshas equally prominent: Vata-Pitta-Kapha. The following are general descriptions and attributes of each dosha.

VATA: The Energy of Movement in Ayurveda

Vata is the principle of mobility that regulates all activity in the body —from how many thoughts one might have during a given period to how efficiently food moves through our intestines. Vata is in charge of functions such as the pulsation of the heart, respiration, circulation and elimination. It is responsible for joy, happiness, creativity and speech. Vata is also in charge of the vital life essence, or prana. Thus when vata (prana) leaves the body, life ceases.
The colon is the most important seat of vata dosha. Vata is also present in the nervous system as motor neuron impulses; in the ears; in the pelvic cavity, lower back, sacrum and thighs; and in the joints and skin. When vata is increased, there may be signs and symptoms connected to these locations.
Vata has the qualities or attributes of dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile (erratic), and clear. These qualities translate into the makeup of the vata individual, as shown in the chart of vata attributes.


QualitiesManifestations in the Body
Dry skin, hair, lips and tongue; dry colon, tendency toward constipation; hoarse voice.
Light muscles, bones, thin body frame; light, scanty sleep; tendency to be underweight.
Cold hands and feet; poor circulation; hates cold and loves hot; stiffness of muscles.
Rough cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet; cracking joints.
Subtle fear, anxiety and insecurity; fine goose pimples; minute muscle twitchings, fine tremors; delicate body.
Fast walking and talking; doing many things at once; restless eyes, eyebrows, hands and feet; unstable joints; many dreams; loves travelling but does not stay long at one place; swinging moods, shaky faith, scattered mind.
Clairvoyant; understands immediately and forgets immediately; clear, empty mind; experiences void and loneliness.
Dry choking sensation in the throat; hiccough, burping; loves oily foods and mushy soups; craves sweet, sour and salty tastes; tendency toward constipation.
Physically, vata persons have light, flexible bodies and big, protruding teeth. They have small, recessed, dry eyes. With irregular appetite and thirst, they often experience digestive and malabsorption problems. Vata types tend to be delicate in health, so they may have few or no children.
In their behavior, vata individuals are easily excited. Indeed, they are alert and quick to act without much thinking. They may give a wrong answer but with great confidence. They have good imagination and enjoy daydreaming. Vata individuals are loving people but may love someone out of fear or loneliness. Fears of darkness, heights and enclosed spaces are not uncommon. Because of a tendency to change, vata people may often move furniture or residence to keep from feeling bored. They do not like sitting idle, and seek constant action. Due to their active nature, they make good money but spend it on trifles and have difficulty saving.
Any of the qualities of vata in excess can cause an imbalance. Frequent travel, especially by plane, loud noises, constant stimulation, drugs, sugar and alcohol derange vata, as does exposure to cold and cold liquids and foods. Vata people should go to bed by 10 p.m. since they need more rest than the other types. In general, people with excessive vata should dress warmly and eat warm, moist, slightly oily, heavy foods. Steam baths, humidifiers and moisture in general are beneficial. Daily oil massage before the shower or bath is also recommended.

General Guidelines for Balancing Vata Dosha:

  • Keep warm
  • Eat warm foods and spices
  • Keep calm
  • Keep a regular routine
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Avoid cold, frozen, or raw foods
  • Avoid extreme cold

PITTA: The Energy of Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda

Pitta represents the Fire principle in the body. Everything that enters the body must be “digested” and assimilated, from sensory perception to food for nourishment. In addition to the gastric fire, pitta also includes the enzymes and amino acids that play a major role in metabolism, and even the neurotransmitters and neuropeptides involved in thinking. Some of the responsibilities of pitta are to regulate the body heat through the chemical transformation of food and to give a person appetite, vitality, and the capacity to learn and understand.
Pitta is hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid, and spreading in nature. It is sour, bitter, pungent to the taste, and has a fleshy smell. These qualities are revealed in the body of the pitta person, as shown in the chart of pitta attributes.


QualitiesManifestations in the Body
HotGood digestive fire; strong appetite; body temperature tends to be higher than average; hates heat; tendency toward grey hair with receding hairline or baldness; soft brown hair on the body and face.
SharpSharp teeth, distinct eyes, pointed nose, tapering chin, heart-shaped face; good absorption and digestion; sharp memory and understanding; irritable; probing mind.
LightLight/medium body frame; does not tolerate bright light; fair shiny skin, bright eyes.
OilySoft oily skin, hair and feces; sensitive to deep-fried food (which may cause headache).
LiquidLoose liquid stools; soft delicate muscles; excess urine, sweat and thirst.
SpreadingRashes, hives, acne, inflammation all over the body or on certain areas; wants to spread his name and fame all over the country.
SourSour acid stomach, acidic pH; sensitive teeth; excess salivation.
BitterBitter taste in the mouth; nausea; vomiting; repulsion toward bitter taste; cynical.
PungentHeartburn, burning sensations in general; strong feelings of anger and hate.
RedRed flushed skin, eyes, cheeks and nose; red color aggravates.
YellowYellow eyes, skin, urine and feces; jaundice; overproduction of bile; yellow color aggravates.
By virtue of these attributes, pitta people have a sensitive and reactive body with a medium frame and weight. They seldom gain or lose much weight. They may have sharp, yellowish teeth with soft and, at times, bleeding gums. Their eyes are bright but tend to be sensitive to light. Pitta people usually have strong appetite and thirst, and like cold drinks and sweets.
Pitta people have excellent abilities for learning, understanding and concentrating. They are highly disciplined, can be excellent leaders and are blessed with wisdom. Pitta individuals never yield an inch from their principles, which sometimes leads them to fanaticism. They can be judgmental, critical and perfectionistic, and tend to become angry easily. They love noble professions and often make large amounts of money to spend on luxurious items. They like perfume and jewelry. Overall, the pitta constitution is endowed with moderate strength, much material knowledge, wealth and a medium span of life.
Summer is the time when pitta gets easily aggravated. Sunburn, poison ivy, prickly heat and short tempers are common. These pitta disorders tend to calm down as the weather gets cooler. Diet and lifestyle should emphasize coolness: cooling foods, avoidance of chilies and hot spices, exercise during the coolest time of the day, and cool climates.

General guidelines for balancing Pitta Dosha:

  • Avoid excessive heat
  • Eat cooling, non-spicy foods
  • Avoid excessive oil
  • Exercise during the coolest part of the day
  • Avoid excessive steam
  • Limit salt intake

KAPHA: The Energy of Lubrication and Structure in Ayurveda

Earth and Water give kapha its definitive qualities. Kapha comprises all our cells, tissues and organs. Kapha molecules tend to stick together to form dense masses and give the body a chubby shape. Lubrication of joints and organs, strong muscles and bones, cellular secretions, and memory retention, are all part of kapha’s function.
Kapha is heavy, slow, cool, oily, liquid, hard, smooth, dense, soft, static, viscous, and cloudy. It is white in color and has a sweet and salty taste. The manifestation of these qualities in the kapha constitution can be seen in the table of kapha attributes.


QualitiesManifestations in the Body
HeavyHeavy bones and muscles; large body frame; tends to be overweight; grounded; deep heavy voice.
SlowWalks and talks slowly; steady appetite and thirst with slow metabolism and digestion.
ColdCold clammy skin; repeated colds, congestion and cough; desire for sweets and cold drinks.
OilyOily skin, hair and feces; lubricated, unctuous joints and other organs.
LiquidCongestive disorders; edema; excessive salivation; mucus.
HardFirmness and solidity of muscles; compact, condensed tissues.
SmoothSmooth skin; gentle, calm nature; smoothness of organs; smooth, gentle mind.
DenseDense pads of fat; thick skin, hair, nails and feces.
SoftSoft pleasing look; love, care, compassion, kindness and forgiveness.
StaticLoves sitting, sleeping and doing nothing.
ViscousViscous, sticky, cohesive quality causes compactness, firmness of joints, muscles, tissues and organs; loves to hug; is deeply attached in love and relationships.
CloudyMind is cloudy and foggy in the morning; often desires coffee as a stimulant to start the day.
SlimyExcess salivation; slow digestion; attachment.
SweetAnabolic action of sweet taste stimulates sperm formation increasing quantity of semen; craving for sweets.
SaltyHelps digestion and growth; gives energy; maintains osmotic condition; craving for salt; water retention.
The above qualities give a strong and large body frame, big eyes, strong teeth and thick, curly hair to people of kapha constitution. They have thick, smooth, oily and hairy skin. Kapha people have a steady appetite and thirst, but tend to have slow digestion and metabolism. These characteristics often result in weight gain, which kapha people have great difficulty in shedding. At times, cravings for sweet and salt lead to water retention.
Kapha people are blessed with a deep, stable faith, with love and compassion, and a calm, steady mind. They have good memory, a deep melodious voice and a monotonous pattern of speech. A kapha person makes and saves money. An unbalanced kapha suffers from greed, attachment, possessiveness, and laziness. All in all, the healthy kapha individual is endowed with excellent strength, knowledge, peace, love, and longevity, due to a strong constitution.
Kapha people tend to have diseases related to the water principle, such as the flu, sinus congestion, and other ailments involving excess mucus. Sluggishness, excess weight, diabetes, water retention, and headaches are also common. Kapha tends to get aggravated as the moon gets full and during the winter and early spring, when the weather is heavy, wet, cloudy, and cold.

General guidelines for balancing Kapha Dosha:

  • Get plenty of exercise
  • Vary your routine
  • Avoid heavy foods
  • Avoid fatty, oily foods
  • Keep active
  • Eat light meals
  • Avoid excessive dairy
  • Avoid daytime naps
  • Avoid iced foods and drinks

Saturday, October 1, 2016

6 Yoga For Eye Problems

6 Yoga For Eye Problems

Your eyes remain active throughout the day. They rest only when you sleep. During the day while you are driving, working on a computer, reading or watching TV etc. your eye muscles get strained and tired. As a resultyou suffer from various kinds of eye ailments.
Common eye problems are watery eyes, redness in eyes, puffy eyes and muscle strain. Regular practice ofyoga exercises for eyes and relaxation techniques can prevent and cure eye problems. They improve blood circulation and help to relax and strengthen eye muscles, reduce stress and improve vision. Eye exercises prevent wrinkles and aging lines around the eyes.

Yoga Asanas For Eye Problems

Sarvanga Asana (Shoulder Stand)

Sarvanga asana helps blood to flow upwards and it stimulates blood circulation in brain and optic nerves.

To Perform Sarvanga Asana

Lie down on your back with arms placed along the sides and legs stretched out. Take a deep breath, slowly lift your legs while exhaling, bring your legs up to 90 degree angle and lift your lower back and hips. Place your hands under waist for support. Your weight should rest on your shoulders. Fix your gaze on the toes and hold the pose for 3 minutes. Breathe normally while holding the pose.

To come out of the pose; first take your legs a little backwards, fold the legs and gently lower your back to the ground and come back to starting position. Relax in Shava Asana for 2-3 minutes.

Sarvanga Asana

Hala Asana (The Plough Pose)

Hala asana has the same benefits as Sarvanga Asana and you can extend Sarvanga Asana and move in to Hala Asana.

To Perform Hala Asana

Lie down on your back, inhale and slowly lift your legs while exhaling. Lift your legs, hips and back as for Sarvanga Asana and take your legs over the head and lower them to touch the floor behind you. If you cannot touch the floor then take the legs as far back as you comfortably can. Breathe normally and close your eyes. Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes.
When coming out of the pose; lift your legs one by one, fold the knees and slowly lower your back to the floor and lower the legs. Relax in Shava Asana for 2 minutes.

hala asana

Yoga Breathing Exercises For Eye Problems

Yoga breathing exercises bring health and vitality to eyes. They stimulate blood circulation, reduce dark circles around the eyes and improve vision.

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is also called the Humming Bird exercise. It helps to improve focus and coordination between both eyes.

To Perform Bhramari Pranayama

Sit in a cross legged position. Close your eyes and close your ears by lightly pressing the thumbs on them. Place your index fingers on the forehead, middle fingers in between your eyebrows and ring and little fingers at the base of nostrils. Focus your attention in the centre of your eyebrows. Take a deep breath through the nose, hold the breath for 2-3 seconds then slowly exhale through the nose while producing a humming sound. Your mouth should remain closed. Repeat 5 times.

Bhramari Pranayama

Yoga Eye Exercises

Eye Rotations

Rotate your eyes slowly in clockwise and anticlockwise direction 5-10 times on each side. Do not move your head.

rotates eyes

Up Down Movement

Look up at the ceiling then shift your gaze to the floor and then look up again. Do it 10 times without blinking. Afterwards close your eyes and gently press them with your palms.

up down

Exercise To Improve Focus

Light a candle and place it at an arm’s length distance at eye level. Focus on the candle without blinking for 5 seconds then close your eyes and try to visualize the flame. Repeat 5 times.
Preserve the precious gift of God by practicing the above mentioned Yoga Exercises for Eye Problems.

candle exercise for focus