Saturday, April 30, 2016

vertigo ear pressure

Vertigo is classified as a nervous disorder, or is a condition when a person loses control over his bodily movements, and feels a sensation of dizziness or light headedness, due to imbalance.
Although vertigo is not a chronic condition by itself, a person experiencing it needs support from others, as he gets a general feeling that all objects around him are moving in archic form, or that he would fall onto the ground if he attempts to move. Nausea is a forerunner in most cases of vertigo.
In Ayurveda, Vertigo is referred to as “Brahma”, wherein vitiated Pitta, combines with vitiated Vata, to cause a spinning like sensation.


Vertigo is thought to be caused due to disorders of digestion and gas formation, diseases of the ears due to fluid imbalance in the ear, impaired eye-sight, impaired functioning of nervous system, due to frequent and severe migraine attacks, poor blood circulation, sexual incompetence, repeated attacks of epilepsy, brain tumour and due to lack of sleep and utter fatigue. However, the most prominent cause of vertigo are, diseases that affect the inner ear.

Ayurvedic Treatment

The medications generally recommended in Ayurveda for vertigo are:
  • ‘Duralabha Quath’ (50ml) taken with ghee twice daily.
  • ‘Suvarna Sootashekhar Ras’ (50 to 60mg) to be taken twice a day with juice / decoction of Amla.
  • Mix ‘Ashwagandharishta’ and ‘Saraswatarishta’ (10ml each), either alone, or with 20 ml of water, and consume twice daily.
  • Mix powdered whole plant of ‘Sankhapushpi’ (1-2 gms) and mix with 100 to 250ml milk, and take twice a day.
  • ‘Yogendra ras’ (120mg) twice daily with milk, is also an effective remedy.
  • For vertigo caused due to insomnia, have only Ashwagandharishta (10ml) or its powder (1/2 tsp) with water, will serve the purpose.
  • In case of constipation, take Amaltas (6gm) with decoction of Haritaki at night during bed time.
  • ‘Shirodhara’, a part of Panchakarma treatment is said to be good.

Home remedies:

Steep 1 teaspoon each of dried amla powder and coriander seeds in water overnight. Strain and add sugar if required, and drink next morning. Repeat over the next few days.
Heat 2 tablespoon sesame oil (til ka tel), and mix in half teaspoon each of finely powdered cardamom and cinnamon. Apply this on head.
Mix about 8 almonds with 8 kernels of pumpkin seeds, 1 teaspoon of poppy seeds and 3 tablespoons wheat. Soak in water overnight.
Next morning, remove the outer skin of almonds and grind to a fine paste. Separately, heat 2 tsp ghee and fry half teaspoon cloves. Add the paste to it along with some milk and boil the whole mixture. Sweeten with sugar, if required, and have over the next few days.


The herbs generally used are Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Pitpapda (Fumaria Officinalis), Yavasa (Alhagi pseudalbagi), and Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus).

Precautions to be taken:

Whenever there is an attack of vertigo (whether inside/outside home), the patient should not be allowed to move alone, particularly, when taking the stairs.
Avoid use of tobacco, alcohol, and narcotic drugs. Ensure that the diet of the patient is simple, light, bland, and spice-free.
Avoid operating any machinery, and self-driving.

Diet and lifestyle measures:

Take plenty of green vegetables and seasonal fruits, avoid excess salt intake, and keep away from junk food. Include poppy seeds, raisins, dates, citrus fruits and vegetables. Plenty of rest is essential.
Practise relaxation techniques, and try to sleep without a pillow for better blood circulation to the brain.

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