Sunday, March 13, 2016

Eye care through Kerala Ayurveda

Eye care through Kerala Ayurveda

Eye care through Kerala Ayurveda
ayurvdea kerala india
Ayurveda have various simple methods for eye care. Due to the changing environment conditions and lifestyle, most of the people do not have time for caring this delicate organ. Age related macular degeneration, cataracts etc, are the result of such negligence. Most of the people around the world are suffering with eye problems because of unhealthy habits and lack of nutrition that enhance eye health. Ayurvedic name for defective eye sight is called ‘drishti dosha’. Prolonged constipation and nervous disabilty can also cause drishti dosha. According to ayurveda kerala, pitta dosha- the element of fire and light governs our eyes. The sub dosha of pitta named alochaka pitta, absorbs colors and images. Alochaka pitta imbalances results in the loss of eye health, blurred vision and other serious eye problems. pitta imbalance should be treated with at most care to avoid liver and eye problems.
There were several ayurveda treatments that can improve vision and can cure eye diseases. some important treatments are:
  1. a) Tartaka: it is an important eye exercise, in which the meditation performed y gazing upon a lamp flame without blinking.
This treatment provides vigor eyes strengthening eye muscles.
  1. b) Triphala eye wash: Clean and splash cool water with triphala in eyes. While doing theis , maintain some water inside the mouth so that the pitta remains balance in head region
This eye wash is useful in treating glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, sties etc.,
c) Netra vasti : Kerala ayurveda treatment that cleans the entire eye socket in a pool of warm ghee. Netra vasti is prescribed for pain and over exertion due to prolonged computer use, allergies, lazy eyes, squint etc.,
  1. d) Food that contains beta carotene are good for eye health. Food items like broccoli, carrots, winter-squash. Gooseberry is an excellent fruit that is rich in vitamin c and anti oxidants. This provides good pitta balance in our body.
Some important treatments in Ayurveda kerala for improving vision power are:
  1. Rotate your eyes slowly for few minutes in all directions.
  2. Look as far as possible while having a deep breath and then look down and exhale slowly.
  3. Look at the healthy rays of sun at morning for few minutes. Never look at sun directly during the hot time of the day since it may make the reverse effect for eyes.
  4. Perform netra vasti twice in a week, so that the eyes remain dust free and nourished.
Healthy eyes can improve the confidence and also a sign of health body and mind. is one of the best Ayurveda kerala India services providing resort

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