Diagnosing and Treating Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Chloes Story

It actually goes by a couple names. There's pseudotumor cerebri, which is which is the more common name in the public's eye and then there's intracranial hypertension. It's a syndrome involving the cerebral spinal fluid which is a fluid that bathes the brain. It helped cushion brain provide nutrients and things like that. It has and pressure that it exerts inside the skull and patients with this condition that pressure's actually elevated. The thoughts are is that there's an imbalance between the production and reabsorption of the spinal fluid which then results in increased pressure and all the symptoms that we see with that.
We see all age range of patients. When they're very young to through adolescence. Chloe was 14 years old when she was referred to us by her eye doctor who had noted the swelling in her eyes. I went to my eye doctor for Miley he really checkup and they asked to to take a picture the back of my eye and they looked at my optic nerves and saw that they were swollen. She did not have any symptoms at the time. We performed the lumbar puncture which noted the increased.
Intracranial pressure and thus completing the diagnosis. My eye doctor at Children's said that if we would leave it untreated that I could go blind. Most of our patients we're able to get away with medical management. We have medications that decrease the spinal fluid that you produce to help bring back in that balance. I take two pills in the morning two pills at night before I go to bed every day. Once the symptoms resolve then we will wean her off the medication and typically we follow patients for about two years.
I think we were very fortunate to catch it as early as we did. She may be one of those fortunate few that do not ever have symptoms other than just the swelling in the eye or it may be simply that we just caught it early enough that she hadn't had time to develop those symptoms yet. We can actually do surgery on the optic nerve to relieve the pressure on that through cutting essentially cutting holes in the covering of that optic nerve to relieve the pressure. Some patients also too, can benefit from.
Diversion of their spinal fluid so shunting similar to how we do hydrocephalus that our colleagues in neurosurgery perform.And then some patients when their weight is also a factor we refer them to our healthy weight and nutrition clinic. You see the ophthalmologist first. They go through the full exam and get a really good look in the back to the eyes at the nerve which is the thing most interested in. Then after that they come and see us in neurology where we put that piece of the puzzle together with how they're doing clinically in terms of symptoms.

Creating Retinas in a Dish Transforming the Study and Treatment of Retinal Diseases

MUSIC Few systems are as complex as the human eye. It's an orchestra of cells working together to sense and translate light, and the retina is the conductor. But there's a wide array of diseases that can affect the retina, diseases like retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition that affects 1 in 4,000 Americans. So researchers like Dr. Val CantoSoler and her team are developing ways to tackle retinal diseases. gtgt Basically, we have found a way to generate what we like to call miniature human retinas in a laboratory dish. But very interestingly, they are capable of recreating.
The cellular organization of the retina. And even more excitingly, they are capable of sensing light the way the human retina does. gtgt In short, they have discovered how to generate labgrown retinal cells directly from a person affected by retinal disease. They are extraordinarily similar to the human retinal cells, able to grow and respond to light in much the same way. gtgt So that opens lots of possibilities in order to understand it much better, the mechanisms that produce retinal diseases in people. gtgt The work not only advances opportunities for.
Vision saving research, but may lead to technologies that restore vision in people with retinal diseases. gtgt We're using them for the experiment. gtgt It also opens the door to tailoring medications to patients based on their individual chemistry. gtgt You cannot really start testing for the efficiency of action of an array of drugs in particular patients. And that may give you the ability to find the drugs that are gonna work much better in a patient compared to other. gtgt Dr. CantoSoler hopes that one day, retinal diseases will be easier to treat and cure.

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