Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cranial Sacral Therapy for IIH

Cranial Sacral Therapy for IIH
"Cranial-Sacral Therapy, or CST, is a gentle, hands-on manipulation of a physiological body system called the cranial-sacral system. This system is comprised of the soft tissue and bones of the cranium (or head), the spine and the pelvis. Massage therapists that perform cranial-sacral therapy also target the membranes and cerebrospinal fluids that surround and cushion the brain and spinal cord from injury during a therapy session."
"Cranial-sacral therapy is practiced by a plethora of health professionals most commonly physical therapists, massage therapists and chiropractors - who employ a touch equivalent to the weight of a nickel. As a result of this tender technique, many clients claim that they can fall asleep during their CST sessions.
The theory behind cranial-sacral therapy is that when blockages occur in spinal fluid, an inharmonious balance in the body can occur, resulting in muscle and joint strain, emotional disturbances and the improper operation of the bodys organs and central nervous system. Practitioners believe that until the spinal fluid is naturally allowed to move freely around the body, the central nervous system and the bodys other major organs and muscles will be put off balance and put at risk of sickness and injury.
During your cranial-sacral therapy session, you will lie facing upwards on a massage table. You can opt to be fully-clothed or you can wear a gown. The massage therapist will lightly manipulate various areas of your body including your bones, skull, spine, pelvis and soft tissues to clear any blockages of cerebrospinal fluid to allow the fluid to flow more smoothly and naturally.
A cranial-sacral therapy session typically lasts, at minimum, 20 minutes, but a session can last up to an hour, depending on the seriousness of your condition. CST has been known to aid various health problems such as migraine headaches, sinus disorders and immune deficiencies. CST has also been used as a preventative therapy in cases where a clients immune system is very low.
Minor health ailments such as chronic headaches can typically be treated with a few CST sessions. However more serious health conditions that cause severe pain or chronic disease should be conducted over a series of weekly CST sessions."
Please contact your medical provider before starting any new treatment for your IIH. Thanks O.Say

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