Friday, February 12, 2016

Lemon, Mint, Ginger, and Cucumber for a Flat Stomach

Lemon, Mint, Ginger, and Cucumber for a Flat Stomach

Sometimes you notice that your stomach is bulging, you lose muscle tone, and a certain flaccidity appears. It doesn’t even matter you are skinny, bloating and that flat tire is there and you don’t know what to do to make yourstomach look smoother and not bloated. You have to keep in mind that this kind of accumulated fat in this area is normal in women. They are adipose deposits that are often very resistant, even to exercise.
The following has surely happened to you before: your stomach looks smooth in the morning, but gets bigger throughout the day, becoming even more stretched out after meals. But what happens? Most of the time, this is not only due to a sedentary lifestyle. Your diet is also basic in this regard. There are foods that favor bloating: carbonated beverages and even lettuce or legumes can do this.
The lemonade below can help you not only reduce the swelling of your stomach, but also to lose weight in this area of the stomach that is always so critiqued. We will explain why:

1. Lemon

This acidic fruit has ascorbic acid that boosts proper digestion, helps foods be broken down easier, and nutrients to be properly absorbed. Its pepsin component also helps you benefit more from proteins by burning fat, in other words, because of the acid from lemon, your diet will be better. It gives you a satisfying feeling, prevents gas, and burns fat. An ideal metabolic stimulant for any diet.

2. Ginger

Lose weight with ginger? Yes, it’s possible. It is a great anti-inflammatory and has an amazing ingredient called gingerol. This ingredient activates the functioning of the intestines and stomach, helps digestion, prevents gas and inflammation, and boosts the elimination of fat. If you combine it with the other elements like the ones listed here, you will get an ideal remedy to get a flat stomach.

3. Mint


Few natural herbs are as beneficial for your digestion as mint is. It eliminates gases, prevents stomach acid, helps you absorb nutrients, is an anti-inflammatory, relaxes you, and relieves nausea. It is simply magnificent, whether it is an infusion or a side to your dishes or desserts.

4. Cucumber


Smooth, light, digestive, and a great anti-inflammatory. it is common to use it to soothe dark eye circles, nourish your skin… So you can imagine the huge help it can offer to your body. You should also remember that cucumbers are a great diuretic, facilitate the elimination of fluids, and are great for treating infections like cystitis and nephritis, diseases that also tend to make your stomach get bloated. Don’t doubt it – it is an excellent ally.

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