Thursday, February 18, 2016

Drishti eye drops

This is a review of Patanjali Drishti Eye Drops. It is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. A couple of weeks ago, I visited the local Patanjali Chikitsalaya/Aushdhalaya to restock my Henna. As most of your know, Patanjali is Yog Guru Baba Ramdev's brand. I got interested in a variety of products available there and ended up buying quite a few.

drishti= vision

aushdhalaya= clinic

I had seen my mom and brother using these eye drops but never thought of trying them. Then off late, I was feeling a sticky layer of discharge in my eyes, which was blurring my vision. Usually this happens in the rainy season may be due to some infection. Also, I had constant headache due to spending long hours in front of the computer. So I thought of trying these ayurvedic eye drops.

Quantity: 15 ml

Price: INR 25 only

Shelf Life: 12 Months

To be used within one month after opening


I remember some 8 years ago or so, this very composition was shared on TV program and one of our family friends couple used to make this medicine at home and distribute it to everyone around for free. At that time I was vary of using it and never tried. But as Patanjali has proper research centers and is a trusted brand, I did not feel any concerns.

Patanjali Drishti eye drops were properly packed inside a sealed foiled packaging. The outer cardboard box says: Useful in various eye problems, cataract and general eye disorders.


I could feel an immense difference within the very first use. It gave me instant relief from the pain I was feeling in my eyes and the headache. Usually when you do not wear your spectacles, you feel some discomfort when looking at distant objects. After using these eye drops, I no longer feel any such discomfort. It has clarified my vision.

These eyedrops burn a lot and I use only 1 drop in each eye. The burning feels much only during the first two uses and after that you get used to it and it hardly feels. You can faintly smell onion but the scent is not even noticeable.

The man at the Patanjali Center had mentioned diluting the eye drops with rosewater to avoid the burning. But I chose to use direct because:

1. I used to put honey in my eyes during childhood. My eyesight weakened only when I was in MA final year and used to study whole nights in artificial lighting. So I am quite used to the burning sensation as honey burns a LOT when used directly in the eyes.

2. I do not find Patanjali Rosewater reliable, and other brands in the market have parabens and other chemicals added. So I did not want to take any risk.

Patanjali Rosewater feels like rose petals boiled in water rather than distilled rosewater and also there are brown remains of petals floating inside which sometimes look like fungus. I really wonder how this rosewater survives without any preservatives.

I mostly use these at bedtime or when my eyes are tired after long hours in front of the computer. It does not dry my eyes and I have not felt any discomfort or redness at all in these 2 weeks. I am happy to have found this product.

People who work long hours in front of computer or laptop everyday may give it a try and can use these to rejuvenate your eyes while travelling back home from the office. Please do NOT use these eye drops while wearing contact lenses as it may contaminate our lenses. But you can use after removing the lenses at night.

If you feel any discomfort or reaction in the first few uses, please stop using immediately. People who are using other medicated eye drops or are undergoing treatment for some medical conditions of the eye, please consult with your doctor.

You can buy from your local Patanjali Center. To locate your nearest Patankali Chikitsalaya Center, check HERE. There are even more centers than listed here. You can also buy from their online store They ship internationally.

Written Jan 15

SB Gahatyari


As per my experience, it is safe if you want to improve your vision. But don't use it if You have undergone with any type of eyes surgery /operation.

Initially, it burns a lot because of Lemon Juice, Onion Juice and Adrak Juice contents. Although It Also Has A Lot Of Honey Contentwhich later on neutralizes the burning. 

Disclaimer: Always prefer to consult your eyes doctor rather than taking online advice.

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