Friday, February 12, 2016

Eyes - Ramdev

Swami Ramdev has developed a wonderful package for cataract and glaucoma. It is also effective for those who suffer from redness of eyes, puffy eyes etc. It is as follows- 

A. Powders 
1. Divya Amalki Rasayana 200 gm 
2. Divya Saptamrit Lauh 20 gm 
3. Divya Mukta Shukti Bhasma 10 gm 
Mix all these medicines well, take one teaspoon, twice daily before breakfast & dinner with fresh water/honey. 

Divya Maha Triphala Ghrita 200 ml 
Take on empty stomach in the morning & evening with milk one teaspoon, twice a day. 

Drishti Eye Drop 
For external use only , Apply one drop in each eye twice in the morning & evening. 

Amalki Rasayan is considered as a great health tonic. It improves the eye-sight. It increases body resistance, overcomes weakness, aids earlier digestion and improves appetite. 
It is an excellent tonic. It also increases body immunity. 

Maha Trifala Ghrita is a medicated ghee (clarified butter). 

What is the unique contribution of Baba Ramdev? 
Baba Ramdev has taken the Pranayam Techniques from the himalayan caves to masses. 
Those who do daily and regularly 
Bhastrika Pranayam for 5 minutes 
Kapalbhati Pranayam for 20 minutes 
also described in my post on kapalbhati in the following link 
Anulom Vilom Pranayam for 30 minutes 
Also described in my post on Anulom Vilom Pranayam in the following link 
Very effective for eye-disorders 
Bhramari Pranayam for 2 minutes 
Udageetha Pranayam for 2 minutes 
may not even have any need to take the medicines. 

So pranayam is like a deep acting anti-miasmatic remedy that we have in homeopathy. But as two patients will do pranayam with different levels of sincerity there will also be a differential in what they gain. 

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate this wonderful post that you have provided for us. I assure this would be beneficial for most of the people.

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