Monday, February 22, 2016

Optic Nerve Swelling (Papilledema)

Optic Nerve Swelling (Papilledema)


The choice of treatment of papilledema depends upon its cause.
If a brain tumor is diagnosed, a biopsy (by surgery) may be required as the first step to treatment.Brain tumors sometimes can be treated with a form of laser treatment or radiation and often require surgery. High blood pressure should be managed as an emergency in the hospital if it results in papilledema.
Pseudotumor cerebri can be treated with repeated spinal taps to remove excess spinal fluid, or with a medication called acetazolamide (Diamox and other brand names). This medicine causes the body to make less cerebral spinal fluid and returns the central nervous system's pressure to normal. Weight loss is encouraged and is helpful. A few patients will require surgery to help extra spinal fluid drain if they do not do well with initial treatment. Because pseudotumor cerebri is a chronic (long-lasting) condition and can damage vision, close monitoring by an ophthalmologist is an important part of the treatment.

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