Friday, February 12, 2016

Divya Mahatriphaladi Ghrit

Divya Mahatriphaladi Ghrit:- 200GM
Divya Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is a common ghee preparation which is used in Ayurvedic medicine for all eye problems. It is effective in so many complaints of the eye. This is prepared by processing herbs in ghee. It helps to improve the vision and the function of the eyes.
Divya Mahatriphaladi Ghrit Ingredients:-
Ksheera kakkoli,
These drugs are processed in cow’s ghee and cow’s milk.
Cow’s milk and ghee are sweet in taste, oily, heavy in quality, cold in potency, decreases the excess vata and pitta. The qualities of the herbs impart their beneficial properties in relieving the problems in the eyes such as redness, itching, pain. So blurred vision, redness, pain are due to vata, pitta which will be relieved by the proper use of the ghee. Maha Triphala Ghrit is rich in antioxidants, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, neuroprotective properties.
Divya Mahatriphaladi Ghrit Benefits:-
It nourishes the tissues, muscle nerves and the other components of the eyes.
It causes cooling to the eyes & It controls glaucoma, cataract in the early stages.
Helps to relieve eye pain, itching, redness in the eyes & Relieves the symptoms of blurred vision in optic nerve compression.
It is anti-inflammatory which helps in conjunctivitis, uveitis, double vision.
It improves the vision in short sight, long sight or presbyopia.
It relieves the irritation due to dryness in the eyes. It also helps in retinitis pigmentosa.
It also helps in night blindness.
It strengthens the eyes after constant exposure to wind, dust and strain.
It can be used after surgery to relieve the discomfort.
It can be used in persons whose nature of work is involved with continuous eyestrain like working in computers, drivers, tailors, welders.
It is also used after injuries like in traumatic optic nerve injuries.
It also shows improvement in conditions astigmatism, amblyopia, blurred vision due to eye floaters.
It can also be used in hair fall, dandruff, chronic dry eczema, gastritis.
It also helps to heal inflammatory mouth ulcers or dry wound faster.
Divya Mahatriphala Ghrit Dosage : 3 - 12 gm twice a day.

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