Sunday, February 14, 2016


Posted on  by Dr. Shweta Labde
Dry eye or Keratitis Sicca is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. There is generalised decrease in production of tears qualitatively and quantitatively. Our Tears are composed of three layers oily lipid layer, watery layer and mucous layer, problem in any of these layers results in dryness of eyes.
Symptoms of Dry eyes :
Those with Dry Eyes commonly experience persistent dryness, scratching and burning sensation of eyes, it may sometimes also be accompanied by pain, redness of eyes and irritation. Patient usually have a feeling of a foreign body sensation in the eyes. Some people may even experience sensitivity towards light and blurred vision.
Causes of Dry Eyes Syndrome :
According to Ayurvedic point of view Dry Eyes is nothing but Vata Prakop in the eyes and related anatomical structure of eyes, along with lack of nourishment to the tissues of the eyes.
  • Diminished flow of tears is the prime cause.
  • It is a natural ageing process especially due to menopause. Also it can be an adverse effect of medications like decongestants, anti-histamines, anti-depressants, tranquilizers or birth control pills. Dry Eyes can also be experienced in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Allergies and other Eye diseases like incomplete closure of eyelids,etc.
  • Insufficient blinking of eyes is also one of the reason. Continuous staring at television or computer screen for long hours worsens the condition.
  • Over consumption of Alcohol and Cigaratte smoking can also cause Dry Eyes.
  • Living in dry, dusty, windy, and hot climate, or over-exposure to pollution, air conditions, dry heating systems can be the another cause of Dry Eye Syndrome.
How to treat Dry Eyes :
The condition of Dry Eyes is managed in Allopathy science by Instillation of artificial tears or lubricants, Eye ointments are applied at bed time, Punctal plugs are inserted in eyelids to keep tears on your eye which prevent tears from draining away quickly.  
Ayurveda shows a different approach in treating Dry Eye Syndrome. Ayurveda believes in treating the deranged vata. Eyes being the seat of Tej mahabhoot (Pitta dosha), can be very well treated with ghee (medicated or plain ghrit). Generally Triphala ghrit is used in treating eye diseases. Ghee has its own nutritional values, it helps in regulating functions of extra-occular muscles, eyelids, and tears. It thus decreases the dryness of the eyes, irritaton and burning sensation prevailing in the eyes.
  • Drops of Triphala ghrit are instilled into the eyes.
  • A gentle massage with Triphala ghrit over and around the eyes is also beneficial, our skin being permeable absorbs it upto remarkable amount.
  • An ayurvedic procedure known as ‘Netra-Tarpan’ gives miraculous relief from dry eyes, it not only reduces irritation burning and scratching sensation, but also imparts nourishment to the eyes.
  • Internal and external use of Triphala ghrit soothens  and strengthens the eyes.
  • Take a spoonful of Triphala powder and add a glass of water to it, leave it over night, strain the liquid the next morning and wash the eyes with the infusion.
  • Add Triphala churna to glass of hot water, cover the solution after the powder settles down dip the sterile eye pads into the clear liquid and place them on both eyes for 10-15mins. You can also place eye pads dipped in rose water or cold milk.
  • Application of a drop of Honey on the lower eyelid cleanses the eyes by producing tears profusely.
  • Nasya with medicated oil or ghee,and Gandush also gives good results.
  • Boil 1/2 tsp. fennel seed in a cup of water, and boil it back until reduced to half. Sip when warm.
  • Similarly boil Triphala powder in water and reduce it to half,strain and add 1tsp of can drink this daily as a general tonic for eyes.
Few changes in our lifestyle can also reflect positively, like 1)Use of Humidifiers at our work place or while at home. 2) Always keep air vents of heaters, air conditioners, hair dryers away from your face, also avoid direct facing towards the fans. 3) Finally the most important thing is that always take a break from computer screens after a minimum span of 30mins, and blink the eyes often, this helps to spread tears over the surface of eyes.
So now using these simple tips keep your eyes away from dryness and add a twinkle to it….

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