Sunday, February 14, 2016

Maha Triphala Ghrita for Eye diseases

Eat healthy food with more vegetables and fruits. Include carrots, spinach, broccoli, bell
peppers, brussels sprouts, cabbage, gooseberry, pumpkin and sweet potatoes which are
healthy for the eyes.
Do not strain the eyes; try to take breaks in between.
Sleep well for a good rest to the eyes.
Watch television in a well lit room with a reasonable distance from the television.
Do some simple eye exercises or mild physical exercises which also help to reduce the
Eye exercises like closing, opening, moving the eyeballs, looking near and far things in a
relaxed way, palming with the hands can be done.
As it happens due to the loss of muscle tone and elasticity these exercise will help to
correct it and improve the vision.
In case of glaucoma, avoid forward bending movements of the head that increases the
pressure in the eyes.

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